Goals For 2012

Do you make New Years resolutions? I never really do.. I think I am turned off by the idea because most people make a resolution and then give up on it after a few weeks (hence the gym being packed for the month of January, and empties out in February). But I was reading one of the blogs that I visit every day and she talked about a goal she had for the year: figuring out how to use her camera better so that she can take better shots for her blog. A reasonable, attainable goal! So it got me thinking... I turned 25 in December and have worked in interior design now for a little over a year now... what are my goals for this year? Of course I had a million things rushing through my mind that I want to accomplish, so I narrowed it down to my top 3 goals:
1. Design: master the scale and be able to draw floor plans. Also, continue to learn and remember all the details, detail, details!
2. Wellness: cook more at home and make nutrient rich meals.. not to lose weight, but to be more healthy overall
3. Personal - take my blog to the next level! I hope to have 300 members by the end of the year (if you like my blog, please join :) )

I didn't write this blog to bore you with my goals... I'm not Angelia Jolie, no one stays up at night wondering what I am thinking :) But! I wanted to share because when I read the blog about someone else's goals, it got me thinking about my own. So I hope to get someone thinking who reads this blog. 

Have a good weekend - Go Ravens! 

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